Reality in Concept
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Newsflash: Im Busy
Scientists are usually busy. This one is trying saving the world from the number ONE problem facing mankind. Sorry, I am a little distracted.
Non-responsive hiest blog, however, is barren.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Important Contact Information
Far Northwest Counseling Center, (773) 774-7555, 6323 N Avondale Ave, Chicago, IL 60631
Lutheran Social Services Of Illinois, Mental Health Programs, Far Northwest Counseling Services, (773) 774-7555
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Scientists Unimpressed *Yawn*
Equations show trival dot product of gradient operator of an electric field.

I think he should use Maxwell's equations...
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
NewsFlash: (lot's of those today)
A 28 year-old woman is hot for Sugar. Fear not, gay marriges have been outlawed by the California Supreme Court.
Newsflash: Not all BAs Alike
Some Liberal Arts programs offer skills and studies that are actually useful to becoming a contributing member of American society.
To those of you who studied 16th century French nobility fashion, sorry about the spoiled upbringing and I'm happy that you never had to worry about your future because your parents did al the worrying for you. [see John-John coddling recommendation]
[Editor's Note: Yes I did need spell check to complete this post, I was practically autistic growing up when I should have nailed the whole spelling thing down, ok?]
Newsflash: Getting a Clue is Good for You
This is your life on pot:
I agree with this guy:
"friends dont let friends do Liberal Arts"
PhD is Russian Literature = "would you like whipped cream on your Latte?"
PEOPLE, people... if you do insist on getting worthless degrees, take Chinese language courses because after they become the world's economic superpower (they all become educated in our schools) you may have to communicate to your boss while you sweep the floors.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Rave: Pluots
Last night I took a little trip and for $2.49/lb I got me some Pluots. They were most juicy and the sweetest thing I ever got my hands on. Wow. Too good to believe.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
LP Girl Mistakenly Freudian Slips
PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORYLAND - when describing personal needs on a Sunday. Desire for beverages reveals need for something else. (see dirty words dictionary for reference)
"Jenna's Sunday needs included two hot tea bags"
Girl also expresses need for massage - is that before or after the, ehem?
Monday, August 09, 2004
There is a new e-mail virus out there. Plain and simple, do not open any zip file attachments from anyone. Chances are the virus came from your co-worker. Nobody .zip's anymore see.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Wednesday, August 04, 2004