Reality in Concept
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Doobs Funny Meter
This week's results:


[Won out by a funny phone call.]

Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Angry Girl Calls Name She Can't Spell
IRONYLAND - And the blog it all happened on has a link to Dictionary...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
New Term Introduced


See "f-ing" or "f'ing"

Friday, September 17, 2004
Who would have thunk it..
Apparently, One can get carsick - even if the car never went anywhere. I just took 4 0 to 80MPH to 5MPH coastdown runs. No traffic, just "vurps".

I think Im gonna hurl in my lab:

Its True
Its all I can do but think of Sugar. I need Sugar to survive this world.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
I still think he is a Genius of our time

Im a CL Geek!
This is geat!

Jeeze I cant even "hotlink"!


If you are a 35-year-old man and know the Sugar's digits. I'll break your digits.

Had to use a calculator
I guess that there is no chance Doobs would ever call Sugar and be the 33% probability. Given that Doobs is 36. Had to use a calculator just to make sure.
Interesting Cause and Effect
So all I have to do is write some remark here, not even that funny after all. And if by magic, in a parallel world, another post is generated simiar, but different. And usually its a funier version of the "Reality" you see here, hmmm.

Newsflash: Steve #2 Goes to "Dirty" Sites
DETROIT - Notorius Steve #2 posted a link on his blog site that is BLOCKED by Argonne's big brother - er, uh IT department. This means the said blogger must be kicken it up in Mo-Town, where obscene has drasticly different standards, yo.

New Equation
Big New Multi-Thousand-Dollar Sectional Itailian Couch + 8-foot Hi-Def Television + Netflix DVD Subscription = Mindless Bliss

(Looks like I need a subscription to TV Guide. I cashed in usless AA travel miles, now I got it!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004
You thought you had problems
Just to clarify. These are the top 10 problems facing mankind over the next 50 years. (This was post 9/11 conclusion)


So that means, shut off the lights, stop watering the lawn, skip breakfest, walk instead of driving, give to the homeless guy on the street, vote for Bush, get immunized, read a book, vote for Kerry, and use protection (raincoat, you know)...

Thursday, September 09, 2004
NewsFlash: Scientist Not Sure About Boring / Bored
LABORATORY - Scientists are not sure about current boring status. Either 1) the scientist is boring, or 2) the scientist is bored. Cause and effect are uncertain. No data test data exists to support either theory. Quoted, "I wish I lived on the Florida coast to liven things up a bit."

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