Reality in Concept
Friday, August 26, 2005
My New Fav Drink

With so many 'energy' drinks on the market, this is my current favorite. Red Bull needs to "supersize" baby.....
Friday, August 19, 2005
Sugar in 2020 after her 15th Burning Man:
Phillis Diller called, she wants her glasses back...
Thursday, August 18, 2005
"They're Here!"

GOOGLE MAPS - It was bound to happen. When you survey the entire globe like that you find something I have been saying all along folks. Silvery objects in the sky ARE REAL. And guess what, if we take that as fact, then they are abducting us in our sleep too.
Looky here to what somebody found in Google Maps flying up above some houses in Florida ....
Google Map
See this related story:
What's that going into the WATER?
Dont worry. They are only making Hybrid Babies (of course I would be interested).
That's today's story kiddies, now go to sleep and dream of nice things....