Reality in Concept
Thursday, May 26, 2005
There's Lot's of Veggie Food at the Jewel
GOLD COAST - Turns out that even on a limited diet, there is plenty of food to be found. Every isle was thoroughly perused for all its vegetarian grub.
"Hmmm and these mushrooms... oh look, ground coconut bocca burgers, YUM!"
"oh yea, I gues I AM always wearing these jeans"
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Back Pain
Let's look it up. A-ha, there is a connection.
Better call for an appointment. Psychics don't lie.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Doobs Taxi Service
Just text your location and method of payment to DOOBIE-ME-NOW and we will surely drop everything and escort you to your next desired location. Or just look out the window because a sales representative is looking at you now through a set of binoculars.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
"Dear ex-girlfriend", yea I like that term. Notice its not capitalized. Its the best way to address you, I should use it from now on. No use of proper nouns or nicknames. It has just the right amount of impersonal generic-ness. With a side serving of implying that said person has been used beyond all useful utility and purpose. Perfect!
Monday, May 09, 2005
Sugar Winkleman
INTERNET / FRESHWATER LAKE - It seems Sugar's thinly vieled prodding is in actuality an artful fishing expedition. Expectations are high to find the big fish.

Sugar Has Found Something Fishy
Friday, May 06, 2005
May 6
What? I get no shout out today? AND I get put on the bottom of the list, thanks a lot! You're mean.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
That's the big day. Forget about growing older, I got a few minutes with the Sec of Energy completely separated from anyone else in the world. What should I say? I could ask for a little money. He is the weathiest cabinet member and worth over $100 million dollars (Austin Powers echoing in my head).
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
New Work Policy
UNDISCLOSED GOVT LAB - In order to stay competitive with such blogging talent posting daily, this blogger was forced to start drinking heavliy with the office door closed in order to be funny enough for prime time internet. It looks a little like this down at the ol' lab these days:
Lush behaviour, only at work
(of course I just like this picture, if only I could get the other version where Sugar is on the cover of "Red Eye" face-down [red-eye? I'll say])
Monday, May 02, 2005
Beer Garden Girls Only Marginally Hot
Two cows, two unmentionables. And one asian Hottie!!! Does she live in Bucktown..?!?!

Christine Garcia (second from right)
Age: 23
Neighborhood: Little Italy.
Occupation: ER tech/waitress/public health educator/grad student for life.
23? Meow...!
Now Its a Party..!!
NEWSFLASH - Now its the Secretary of Energy, the Governor (Mr Blogjvkichjkjskkj), and our Senator (I forget the name, Im a crappy journalist, ok?). I'll make tea.

Its the Rod-man joining the party too
Look for these folks driving this car on our dyno...