Reality in Concept
Monday, February 13, 2006
Lockdown and Earthquake Awareness Month

"there may be something coming up of bigger significance in the future"....
A-HA! No shit! Apparently, its a figgin mess in CA, this time ALL the prisons in LA county are in LOCKDOWN. I didn't even have to go looking deep for the story, it appeared on the front page of Google News.
Los Angeles County jails remain on lockdown as new brawl breaks out
Also, the small Indiana/Illinois Earthquake happened in the afternoon of the 2rd, I had the dream either on the morning of the 2nd or the morning before.
Oh, and lest you think my Feb reference was a miss: Feb JUST SO HAPPENS to be Earthquake Awareness - February 1-10, 2006 for the Central United States Earthquake Consortium. See what was on the schedule in Indiana: Evansville-Vanderburgh Co. Emergency Management Agency
Yes, all people who claim to have clairvoyance are in fact FReaKS...!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Day 6 of Earthquake Watch

A-HA! Ok, so now I scare myself. A couple days after I had the Earthquake Dream, it appears that there was a small earthquake that was felt in Indana, the first one in a couple years:
Southern Illinois earthquake felt in southwestern Indiana
From West Layfayette, Indiana paper:
Clock is ticking
On Jan. 2, a magnitude 3.6 earthquake near Equality, Ill., was felt in the southern Indiana city of Evansville. It left more Hoosiers curious about how rumblings occur in a state where tornadoes are often the most feared natural disaster.
The Midwest is thus overdue for another large earthquake -- an event that could have disastrous consequences given the growth of cities such as St. Louis and Memphis, which are near the center of the New Madrid seismic zone.
Lafayette, which lies 350 miles north of the northern tip of the New Madrid zone, likely would be spared severe damage from a major New Madrid zone quake.
But closer to home, extending as far north as Vincennes, the Wabash Valley fault zone still produces minor earthquakes, such as the Jan. 2 temblor west of Evansville.
What's more, the Wabash Valley zone shows evidence of great earthquakes -- magnitude 7.0 or more -- in the prehistoric past. Those signs include "sand blows," or areas where sand was thrust up through the earth's crust and out onto the surrounding soil.
The figure shows the seismic activity of the Midwest. Here is the key:
VII. Damage negligible in buildings of good design and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken.
VIII. Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable damage in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse. Damage great in poorly built structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture overturned.
Perhaps the big one is still on the way........ stay tuned.
In other news, I won the playoffs football pool. Stealers went all the way, and I got $35.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Prison Lockdown
Either they have these all the time and the prediction is trivial, or I'm 1 for 1.
San Quentin inmates in lockdown after riot
Monday, January 30, 2006
Another Prediction...
I know that until the day Indiana crumbles into ruin, you will not believe that I have any special powers other than I remember what silly dream I had the night before. However, before we dismiss me as a kook, since our last prediction post I Google-searched "Indiana Earthquake" and found that in the whole friggin middle of the friggin country, there is only one location of siesmic activity, AND ITS GOES THRU INDIANA. I didnt know this. It kinda freeks me out. Now I feel that I will be very surprised if there is NOT an eathquake in Indiana in Feb, but then again I realize if there is one, I may go into hiding, speak in toungues, worship snakes...
So I should let you know that I did have another message in the dream mailbox. And that is that there will be some kind of incident at a prison, the message "lockdown" came to me (I sound like one of those people that can talk to you dead relative). I dont know if "lockdown" is a term used in prisons, but it wouldnt surprise me, I'll look it up.
UPDATE: Crap. Look at this
San Quentin Riot Leads To Injuries, Prison Lockdown
I had the "lockdown" message since then. I dont watch the news, so I didnt hear about it. However, there may be something coming up of bigger significance in the future.
Finnally Met Iha on New Year's

Ever since I figured out that I went to middle school with James Iha (asian dude in Smashing Pumpkins), I have wondered when I may bump into him and just say "yo". He looks exactly the same now as he did in the 80's, really. He was behind a curtain in some hallway at Navy Pier after the concert. He had to give the bouncer the "he's ok" in order for me to get close. We chatted but really had nothing to say but, wow, its been a long time. Of course I was just drunk enough to forget to get a picture, but I did manage to get a couple of my "dates" backstage to oogle the band (sans myself, I wasn't really interested so I didnt ask). The only pic I do have is of my "dates." I smootched them all at midnight, but I didnt want to get koodies so I kept it non-sloppy-like.
AZ to IL

My ass is still chapped (really I had to mosturize!) but we drove from AZ to IL from Jan 20-22 in two dorky hybrids with a combined mileage of over 330,000 mi. (The red Prius I bought in Toyko last month).
The little poky Insight could not fare much better than 65 MPH, so we spent several hours longer than we should have on the road. The first pic is me and Henning being real dumb, hanging out near an edge of the Grand Canton. The second is a pic of me throwing a piece of ice into Bryce Canyon (Southern Utah).
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Coming Soon: My Firsthand Notes and Pics From Korea
- no lawers makes slippery sidewalks
- Bud Lite & Jack'nCoke... $31 (no shit)
- why everyone there is always sick
- burps can kill
- everyone drives a Hyundai
- Korean girls are easy
- chick that picked up Doobs at airport did not:
.......- get a ticket
.......- get arrested
.......- get detained for questioning for several hours
.......(it sounds impossible but its true)
EarthQuake Prediction Must Be Documented
Ok, so I do not go posting or snooping at blogs anymore. However, I must make public document of the fact that I had a weird premonition-style dream. It was more like a message rather than a dream. It said Earthquake in Indiana. For some reason in the dream Indiana was west of Illinois (so look out Iowa). Also later in the dream, the month of February was sent to me. Now, I aint no kook, I don’t like believe in UFOs and stuff (ok bad example) but it was such a strong message that I figured I would take the risk and document it now and look stupid in March rather than having to say, "hey, I predicted that!" Does anyone know people in Indiana that need to be notified?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
"Doobs 97"
No, not the "Old 97's". Not a new radio station. But a license plate on the car directly in front of me while driving to work this morning. Damn! I did't have my camera!
That's it, I am moving to Bangor, Maine. (I hardly new her, ha ha!)